Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It's the end of the farmers market season...

... and almost the beginning of the holiday season! Whew.
Orenco Station Farmer's Market has rolled up the sidewalks. I hope all the great people we've met there have a wonderful winter and come back healthy and happy in May.
Robert and I have 2 more Saturdays at the Art Court in Beaverton and then we're off to the next thing.
Starting during the Hallowe'en season Robert will be drawing caricatures at the Jantzen Beach Mall most weekends until Christmas. Look for him there in the center court with his easel. He'll be there when he's not drawing at all the private holiday parties and office parties that keep him moving fast this time of year.
Stay tuned because for a list of places I'll be this season. When my new computer comes back from the hospital I'll be posting some terrific new pieces I've been working on.
Hope to see some of you soon!

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