Monday, February 16, 2009

Mermaid's Treasure...
Faceted mauve pearls are tucked in between abalone beads of all shapes. A pearl moon reminds us our feminine intuition is a gift.
The abalone flower pendant captures pink, blue and lavenders, making it a reflection of all the ocean's secrets.
The accompanying earrings are faceted mauve pearls framed in rich abalone.
Altogether, it's a wealth of delicate beauty. The mysteries of the deep, all for you.

Nefertiti's Dream...
Breathtaking peacock colored 'corn flake' pearls meet at the center at a hand-fabricated dream catcher ending with a sterling silver Eye of Horus.
This is truly a queen's collar.

Rose Queen -
Luscious mauve mother-of-pearl and silver beads come together to encompass a double strand of mauve 'corn-flake' pearls ending in a delicate sterling hand-forged rose.
A tumble of the cornflake pearls make enchanting earrings.

Dream Swirls -
Deep, gorgeous faceted Amethysts wrapped in swirls of rolled gold wire.

Notes from the Workshop

It's winter time in Oregon. Snow, rain, sun, we have it all! My little dog Foxcie is surprized every day when she goes for a walk. She spent 14 years in the Southern California sun and now she's in new weather every day.

While I'm enjoying the variety of weather, I'm also creating a lot of new things for springtime.

I'm also keeping busy helping people re-cycle jewelry that they no longer wear. I turn pieces that have been sitting in their drawers for years into fresh new designs. Often I'm able to make them a complete new jewelry wardrobe, as well as give them a lot of additional pieces to give as gifts for a fraction of the price of new jewelry. What a wonderful thing to be able to reduce your carbon footprint while staying fashionable current! This has been an interesting and worthwhile new direction in my jewelry making. My eyes light up when I see a woman coming with a bagful of old jewelry. It's like a treasure chest for me, and when I'm done, it's like a treasure chest for the client too!